Privacy Policy

Shoalhaven Family History Society Inc Privacy Policy

The Shoalhaven Family History Society Inc (SFHS) is committed to responsibly managing personal information to achieve its objectives, namely to promote and encourage the study and preservation of family history, genealogy and allied subjects.

This Policy provides you with information relating to: 

• when your personal and sensitive information is being collected by SFHS;
• who will have access to this information;
• what the information will be used for; and
• whether it will be disclosed to someone other than SFHS.

Collection of personal and sensitive information.

SFHS may collect personal information from you which is any information about an identifiable deceased individual.

Person information includes:

• Name, age and gender.
• Home address and phone number. (Title and business contact details may be provided.)
• Marital status, nationality, ethnic origin and religion.
• Information regarding income, health and personal preferences.
• Photographs.

SFHS will only collect, store, use and disclose personal information as needed to:

• Establish and maintain relationships with research clients.
• Undertake activities including recruitment, training, research and Society administration.
• Meet legal, regulatory or statutory requirements.

SFHS will limit collection of personal information to only those details that are reasonable and necessary for the purposes intended.

Storage of personal and sensitive information.

SFHS stores information both manually in paper-based records, and electronically through program systems, internal directories, email systems and other technology systems.
SFHS will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all files in its possession or control are protected against loss, unauthorised access, misuse, disclosure or modification and that only authorised members have access to such material.
SFHS will ensure that as far as reasonably possible, personal information collected is kept as accurate, up-to-date and complete as possible to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected.

Disclosure of personal and sensitive information.

Information may be disclosed to individuals for purposes of contacting living relatives or other individuals to assist you in identifying contacts with potential information on your genealogy.
SFHS may disclose personal and sensitive information to another person where you have given your written consent to do so or where SFHS are required to do so by law.
Where information is prevented by law from disclosure or for any other reason, SFHS will provide reasons for non-disclosure.

Purpose of collection, use, storage and disclosure of personal and sensitive information.

The objectives of SHFS are to promote and encourage the study and preservation of family history, genealogy and allied subjects. To achieve these objectives, SFHS requires the collection, use, storage and disclosure of personal and sensitive information.

Publication of databases.

The Society may publish databases that contain personal information on persons still living. The
information in these databases has been gathered from public records released by governmental and
other agencies, and is available elsewhere, often on the Internet.

Requests for your personal information. 

You may request access to their personal information at any time to review content and accuracy,
and have it amended as appropriate. On written request, SFHS will provide you with information regarding personal information, how it has been used, and the Society’s policies and practices relating to the management of personal

Making a complaint about a breach of the Privacy Act.

If you have a concern about the manner in which your personal or sensitive information has been collected, stored, used or disclosed, you may lodge a written complaint directly to SFHS via the Secretary by letter to SFHS, P.O. Box 591, Nowra, NSW 2541, or by email – Contact Us.

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